The Sporting Towards Success

College Student-Athlete To-Do List

Episode Summary

What are your summer plan? gain experience? summer school? sleep? On this episode of the Sporting Towards Success podcast, I will share 5 productive things to do this summer.

Episode Notes

Here are 5 things you can put on your summer to-do list.  

1. Gain experience 

Internship- usually 4-12 weeks long,hey are mostly paid and involve working on live work projects and tasks



Job shadowing- usually unpaid and just for a day or two where you spend time observing someone in their role at work

Part-time- Commonly in retail, hospitality, healthcare, tutoring and office roles, many with a customer service focus. These give an excellent opportunity to proactice your skills, and see how organisations work first hand.

Research- at universities, research institutes, charities, governmental departments and companies can help you to build on skills developed during your academic studies and develop data collection and analysis, technical skills, funding and report writing, especially useful if you are considering an academic or research career.2.  Update your handshake and liknedin accounts.

Leadership in student or professional organization- Positions of responsibility: this could include roles such as course representative, elected role in the Student Union, a role in a committee or society, ambassador or mentor at university or in the community. These show that you are willing to lead, and show what you can deliver.

3.  Hone your athletic skills.


4. Read at least three books.


5. Conduct at least three informational interviews.