The Sporting Towards Success

High School Student-Athlete Summer To-Do List

Episode Summary

I know you are glad the summer break has begun. Well, while on break try to do some things that will make your summer break productive and fun. On this episode's of The Sporting Toward Success podcast, I will share 5 things you can do this summer to help you now and in your future endeavors.

Episode Notes


Register with the NCAA Eligibility Center.

There three accounts:

Profile Account: Free

Amateurism- Only Certification Account- If you are aninternational student-athleteplanning to compete at an NCAADivision IIIschool,$70Amateurism

Academic and Amateurism Certification Account- to compete at aDivision I or IIschool-$100Domestic/Canada|$160International

Check with your guidance counselor to see if you qualify for a fee waiver. 

Read at least 2 books.

Read a couple of books that interest you and will expand your mind.  For example, books about leadership, career field, investments, etc.

Hone your athletics skill set.

Go to camps and summer workouts to better yourself and help your team achieve the main goal, A CHAMPIONSHIP

Contact your guidance counselor to upload your official transcript.  For graduates, the counselor will need to upload your official transcript with your graduation date.